Sing Along Kids Life – Song for kids with lyrics, learn to sing

Oh we could be pirates Sailing the ocean
We could be all you like We could be astronauts
Chasing a rocket Or maybe just counting stars
We could be dancers Jumping like monkeys
Swimming like dolphins do We could be colours
You can be yellow We could be purple too
Call your Mum, Call your Dad, Call your Grandma, your cat, Meow!
We're gonna have some fun Call your Mum, Call your Dad,
Call your Grandma, your cat, Meow! We're gonna have some fun
Kid's Life — better than a playground Kid's Life — better than a playground
Kid's Life — better than a playground Kid's Life — better than a playground
Call your Mum, Call your Dad, Call your Grandma, your cat, Meow!
We're gonna have some fun Call your Mum, Call your Dad,
Call your Grandma, your cat, Meow! We're gonna have some fun
Kid's Life — better than a playground Kid's Life — better than a playground
Kid's Life — better than a playground Kid's Life — better than a playground
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singing along. See you next time, bye!

About Author: funkykid